博彩平台网址大全 recently hosted a delegation of government and university officials from Germany as part of a celebration recognizing 30 years of the Baden-Wurttemberg-Connecticut伙伴关系. The relationship between the state of Connecticut and the German state of Baden-Württemberg has grown to include a faculty mobility program and the 人权研究协会, 除了学生交换项目.

巴登-符腾堡州科学、研究和艺术部长 Theresia鲍尔 speaks with Ben Carbonetti, 博彩平台网址大全人权项目主任兼人权讲师. 照片由Nick Caito提供.

巴登-符腾堡州科学、研究和艺术部长 Theresia鲍尔 率领德国代表团, which included more than a dozen presidents and other administrators of major universities in Baden-Württemberg. As part of a multi-day visit to Connecticut colleges and universities that participate in this partnership, the delegation met with members of the Trinity administration and faculty on campus on Tuesday, May 10.

Trinity President Joanne Berger-Sweeney spoke with the delegation about the role and relevance of the liberal arts and the ways in which Trinity makes local and global connections. 博彩平台网址大全是这次访问中唯一参观的文理学院. 除了, Dean of the Faculty and Vice President for Academic Affairs Sonia Cardenas and Ben Carbonetti, 博彩平台网址大全人权项目主任兼人权讲师, 概述 博彩平台网址大全的人权项目.


在史密斯家吃完午饭后, the guests enjoyed an organ recital at the 博彩平台网址大全 Chapel performed by John Rose College Organist-and-Directorship Distinguished Chair of Chapel Music and Artist-in-Residence Christopher Houlihan ' 09 还有22岁的扎克·舒尔曼. 下午以参观博物馆结束 Watkinson图书馆. (见下面的侧边栏.)

教授 语言文化研究 约翰内斯Evelein他是……的负责人 德国的研究 at Trinity, said that Trinity has participated in this student exchange program since the 1997-98 academic year. “既然这是一次真正的交流, a Trinity student can choose one of the participating universities in Baden-Württemberg that’s best for them, 作为回报,博彩平台网址大全可以接收一名德国学生,伊芙琳说. “巴登州符腾堡州有一些德国顶尖的大学,如果不是世界顶尖的话.”

图书馆和特色馆藏协理副总裁Christina M. Bleyer (left) and 教授 语言文化研究 约翰内斯Evelein (right) joined the German delegation for a tour of the Watkinson图书馆.

A Trinity student’s semester in Baden-Württemberg is preceded by a credit-bearing six-week language and culture program. “Trinity students have the option to take academic courses through a program at a participating university designed for international students, 或者和德国学生一起上常规课程,伊芙琳说. 这种交流也促进了实习.”

Evelein补充说,Trinity将在合作中扮演重要角色 人权研究协会, which provides a platform to support academic collaboration between researchers in Connecticut and Baden-Württemberg. ”三一 这是文理学院的第一个人权项目, so there is an additional connection between this program and Trinity,伊芙琳说.

The guests viewed several highlights from among Trinity’s rare books and special collections.

Trinity students who have taken part in this exchange program often say that their time in Germany was a period of tremendous personal growth. Sarah L. Thomas ’20, who double-majored in political science and 德国的研究 at Trinity and now is a government relations specialist at The Vectre Corporation, 曾就读于宾根埃伯哈德卡尔斯大学. “我能够和其他交换生一起学习一系列课程, 是什么让我沉浸其中而又不会感到不知所措. I also took one course in German literature where I was the only non-German student,” Thomas said. “Arriving in an unknown city and knowing almost no one in Tübingen was certainly a challenge. 然而,那段经历帮助我成长. 我离开了宾根,爱上了巴登-符腾堡州, 对我的德语技能更有信心了, 还有一群很棒的朋友.”

克里斯蒂安·托马斯·埃蒙斯21岁, who majored in 德国的研究 at Trinity and now is a logistics management specialist for the Department of Defense, 曾就读于康斯坦茨大学. “I’d never been ‘the only American in the room’ until I arrived in Konstanz,” he said. “和母语是德语的人在一起, 以及其他当时正在学习德语的人, 对我的学习过程有很大的帮助. 我在那里交了很多朋友,我现在还经常和他们聊天. I will always look back positively on my experiences in Konstanz and I’m thankful for Trinity for making it happen.”

德国交流项目代表团詹妮弗·萨默海斯,博彩平台网址大全的主任 出国留学办公室他说,博彩平台网址大全大约60%的学生选择外出学习. “Students are encouraged to consider all Trinity-approved programs that will challenge and inspire them academically and culturally,萨默海斯说. 其中包括博彩平台网址大全在开普敦的五个标志性项目, New York, Rome, Shanghai, and Vienna, 获得批准的博彩平台网址大全项目超过80个, 国际和国内.

Summerhays added that the Baden-Württemberg exchange is an especially immersive opportunity. “学生们在德国的一流大学学习, 这需要致力于语言学习和文化理解. Students enticed by this exchange are those who want to know what it feels like to be a local student studying at a university,” she said. “The B-W exchange cultivates independence and initiative in students and requires them to problem-solve and engage with local culture in an authentic way.”

德国交流项目代表团对于博彩平台网址大全的学生来说,像这样的交流项目可以成为他们的必经之路. “它们迫使我们转变观点, 重塑我们的观点, 并研究不同的存在方式,萨默海斯说. “这就是它的意义所在:以更有文化能力的方式回归, 更有自我意识, 成为更有同情心的人. 全球经验提供终身回报. They often shape the careers we choose, the worldviews we adopt, and the way we walk in the world.”

有关巴登-符腾堡-康涅狄格州合作伙伴关系的更多信息,请点击 here.

了解更多关于博彩平台网址大全的学习选择 here.


访问期间,德国代表团参观了 Watkinson图书馆 included viewings of several highlights from among Trinity’s rare books and special collections that carry cultural and historical significance. According to 图书馆和特色馆藏协理副总裁Christina M. 布莱耶,这些包括:

美国的鸟类 约翰·詹姆斯·奥杜邦著

汤姆·琼斯的历史 (1750) and 关于刑法的思考 (1774)—owned and signed by George Washington at 19 and approximately 43 years of age, respectively

弗里德曼的火炬之光 (1866)——这19期中唯一幸存的一期th 世纪报纸, printed by a free Black community in the Weeksville neighborhood of Brooklyn in order to teach newly free Black people how to read

各种题材的诗歌 (1804)由菲利斯·惠特利所著,她是第一位在美国出版的黑人女性

“Let America Be America Again” by Langston Hughes—first partial printing of the poem in Esquire 杂志于1936年首次完整印刷 A New Song (1938)

草叶 沃尔特·惠特曼(1855st edition

《富士山百景 (1834-39)——日本版画家和画家葛饰北斋的晚期杰作

Mr. 威廉·莎士比亚的喜剧、历史和悲剧 (1632)——《第二对开本

圣诞颂歌 查尔斯·狄更斯(1843)

《爱丽丝爱丽丝镜中奇遇记 by Lewis Carroll (1872)—with an original pencil drawing by the illustrator John Tenniel

纽伦堡纪事报 (1493)—one of Watkinson’s four copies of this book, the most highly illustrated print book of the 15th century

阿尔布雷希特·丢勒的版画 启示录和人物 (1498)

《希伯来原理》 (1506)—the first printed Hebrew grammar book by the great German humanist Johann Reuchlin

康拉德Gessner的 Vogelbuch (1582)——重要的th 世纪鸟类学的杰作








